Category Archives: Pennsylvania Dutch

The squirrel ate the shoo fly pie

Actually the flying squirrel ate the whole thing. Worst shock of my life. I come downstairs in the morning expecting my Shoo-fly pie to be there and there was no pie but a very full little flying squirrel. I had one piece. He had several. My first reaction was what a strange looking rat. Then […]

Whoopie pies again.

This time with the more traditional Crisco in the pie and the filling. The other had the oil base but isn’t nearly as traditional. Pennsylvania Dutch Whoopie Pies

Whoopie.. Pies.. No not just pies, Whoopie Pies

It is beyond me where the name came from. I grew up on my Aunt Ruth’s as well as the local Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish cooks. They aren’t pies but they are rich moist cake cookies filled in the center with an icing that melts in your mouth as you devour the concoction. A kid […]

I’m a Dutchman if not an Amishman

Well, among other things but my love of Pennsylvania Dutch cooking shows I am a Dutchman just like my ancestor who fought in the Revolution, Doctor John, was. Sweet and Sours, Ham Pot Pie, all this rich and full of more taste than those who claim, it is so bland, thinks. Poor souls. Never tried […]


Comfort is in memories. Taste, smell, situations all evoke them. Comfort food arises out of the situation. It makes us feel better. It brings back a time when we were safe and secure, not the captains of our souls but merely the cabin boys dependent upon those captains we called adults. They would care for […]